Calvary Health Care
"Given the time if you talk about 6 months from ‘wo’ to ‘go’ in terms of getting to the point of implementation it was amazing and I’m not aware of any other site or service that has introduced and form of electronic record that have been able to achieve that. I’m very proud of the work that we’ve done but also very proud of the work that we’ve done collaboratively with Sláinte Healthcare." - Shannon Thompson, Director of Clinical Services
"The added extras that we put into Vitro for our application were our safety features that we were able to put into our clinical charts that allow us to ensure things are correctly filled in, that we don’t miss important information or even just that numbers aren’t added up incorrectly… so for us they were incredibly important features to enhance safety in our clinical notes. The thing we liked about vitro technology was that it was intuitive so what we were doing there was looking at the charts as they were in paper and digitalising them so to a nurse on the unit they just look at a piece of paper and it will look the same." - Brenda Ainsworth – National Director Public Hospitals